Who's Got Da Juice
сб, 02 вер.
4 competitive DJs go at it to show their skill, creativity and most importantly passion. With Guest Judges and also the Live Audience as a co-judge, we’ll get to see just exactly Who’s Got Da Juice 🍊 🍊 🍊

Час та місце
02 вер. 2023 р., 19:00 GMT+2 – 03 вер. 2023 р., 03:00 GMT+2
Mannheim, Musikpark, Hafenstraße 49, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
Про захід
Who’s Got Da Juice?!
4 competitive DJs go at it to show their skill, creativity and most importantly passion.
With Guest Judges and also the Live Audience as a co-judge, we’ll get to see just exactly Who’s Got Da Juice 🍊 🍊 🍊
What is a Hybrid Event?
- An Event/Concert where attendees can participate in-person and virtual in the same session concurrently.
- Most common hybrids are concerts that include both music and stage performances.
This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.
Powered By the Parallel Family
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
1 година 30 хвилинDinner (Tap here for more information.)
5th floor die Küche Jungbusch
1 годинаDJ Battle
4th floor
Live Stream
Watch the event from your mobile phone. (This ticket is not for a Physical Location) Select this ticket if you would like to view the event remotely.
7,98 EUR+ комісія за квитки (0,20 EUR)Продаж завершеноEarly Bird
This Ticket includes entry only.
10,00 EUR+ комісія за квитки (0,25 EUR)Продаж завершеноRegular Ticket
This Ticket includes entry only.
15,00 EUR+ комісія за квитки (0,38 EUR)Продаж завершеноVip Access Ticket
Includes early entry for a Meet & Greet with the Judges and DJ's plus food and one drink.
25,00 EUR+ комісія за квитки (0,63 EUR)Продаж завершено
0,00 EUR